Thursday, May 30, 2019

Importance of Educational Learning Games In A Child's Life

The little kids enjoy long vacations from their schools at different times of the year, according to the adverse climactic conditions in the various continents. But the parents are always fretting over how to utilize this long break from the strict school curriculum in the most effective way for their little ones. The best way to make your toddler's summer vacation worthwhile is by gifting him/her a series of educational video games as they will provide your child a platform to experiment, to explore, to make mistakes and to learn, while having fun.

An educational video game intentionally merges gaming with an educational software in the most entertaining fashion. Gamification of education has garnered huge interest among the educators and is also capturing a permanent position in the school curriculum, as it serves as an effective teaching-aid in making students understand the nitty-gritty of Math, English vocabulary, Geography, History, Political Science, General Knowledge, along with Computer programming, a recent addition to the school syllabi. Educational Games for kids

If educational video games are well executed, they can provide a strong framework for inquiry and project-based learning, says Alan Gershenfeld, co-founder and president of E-Line Media, a publisher of computer and video games and a Founding Industry Fellow at Arizona State University's Center for Games and Impact.

"Games are also uniquely suited to fostering the skills necessary for navigating a complex, interconnected, rapidly changing 21st century," he adds. Similarly, Histrionix is a leading learning company with a vision of spreading "EduPLAYtion", that is, a seamless blend of play and education, among the younger generations. A brain-child of two history teachers Rick Brennan and Jason Darnell, this game's aim is to provide the educators and the learners an interactive, game-based curriculum on various subjects, that will help in enhancing the critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities of their players.

Some video games that can enlighten as well as entertain your child in this summer vacation are:
  •  Fish School HD: It is a great game for preschoolers. It teaches numbers, letters, shapes, and colours with the help of animated fish and tries to cover basic skills taught before or during preschool curriculum. After kids work out their brains, they can have play time by tapping and dragging the fish and watching them react. Learning Toys Games
  • MinecraftEdu: A version of the famous game, Minecraft, it teaches students mathematical concepts including perimeter, area and probabilities as well as foreign languages.
  • Dinosaur Park Math: The game takes you through a dinosaur park and presents math and trivia challenges to unlock different parts of the park. The kid's job is to unlock pieces of each dinosaur by solving math problems. Once the fossils are uncovered, the guide will give facts about that specific dinosaur and the world it lived in. This app has the perfect combination of addition, subtraction, and dinosaur facts.
  • ChemBlaster: It is a web-based game designed to help players learn core Chemistry concepts, including elemental symbols and 52 common ions and polyatomic compound,by blowing them to bits.
  • Games like GlobeTrotter2 and GeoGuessr help the video game lovers to learn about the states and their capitals from various countries. GeoGuessr is a game which places its player on different geographical locations and provides clues, with the help of which you have to recognize the location, whereas GlobeTrotter2 is a game which presents questions related to geography to its players in order to progress through the game.
  • There are a wide variety of video games that enhance the English vocabulary skills such as the Word Games generated by Merriam-Webster, BBC schools, Pogo. com, to name just a few. The ABC's Zoo Learning Game is the most suitable game for tiny language learners to learn the basic building blocks of English.

Just a few games have been listed here out of a plethora of more such innovative educational video games available online and in leading gaming stores all across the world. Parents can also play along with their kids- nothing brings families closer than competition.Most Popular Toys Games

So, parents no longer need to spend sleepless nights thinking over their child's whereabouts during the long school vacations - just a few interesting video games in your little one's game parlour will keep them away from all nuisances. Your kid will think you are a cool parent for letting them spend so much time in front of the computer, and parents will have peace of mind knowing their kids are actually furthering themselves.

When you bring a little child to this amazing world, it becomes the sole responsibility of the parents to give them the best of education and upbringing according to their abilities. Each and every brick plays a significant role in making the building strong- a child is one such high upright building of which the parents have laid the foundation stone.

All work and no play will definitely make your kid a dull boy/girl. So,let us mix learning with playing and gift them an educational video game to garner their fleeting concentration.

This article can serve as a guide to the new parents who are searching for ways to engage their little ones during the long school vacations in a constructive and fruitful manner.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Best Learning Educational Puzzles Board Games

Learning does not need to be cumbersome. It only takes innovation and clever thinking to discover other ways to imbue knowledge on children and even on adults. To do this, one has to simply add two variables: fun plus learning. The result? Well, educational board games for one.

Board games entice people to join in. In more ways than one they have to utilize their minds to memorize facts or solve problems to win. This way, they are more likely to engage on learning as much as they engage on gaming. Learning and gaming go hand in hand in this case, which makes information stick longer and faster in their heads compared to traditional teaching methods.

Educational board games are also great as an after school activity for children. Learning doesn't have to start and stop at school. Continuing their schooling in a subtler and fun manner-i.e. educational board games-can help them out. Games like these help them enhance the way they think things through, quicken how they process information, and liven them up and motivate them to learn more.

Of course, they simply think that they are having fun and playing games, which is the important factor with educational board games. Making them feel that what they are doing is learning will encumber them. On the other hand, making them feel that what they are doing is fun makes them doubly enthusiastic, and at the back of their heads they are already storing knowledge. Moreover, if children are home schooled, educational board games are a great way to teach them.

But not all board games are applicable for everyone. Each game will have to depend on age.

Ages Two to Three

Looking back, most baby toys are made especially to enhance the mental capabilities of the baby. Games like these, are Cariboo. This game enhances the child's recognition of colors, shapes, letters, and numbers. Being able to discern these very simple things is extremely important in a child's development. Toys games for 2-3 years kids

Ages Three to Four

At this stage, children need more slightly complex games. In fact, they can even start playing educational board games many adults still find enjoyable. This means that board games for this age bracket has to have more complex rules, and they have to strategize, or reason out, and as well as discern spatial and color perception. Games that can fall under this category can be Dominoes, Checkers or Chinese checkers, Uno, and even Monopoly. Toys games for 3-4 years kids

Ages Five to Seven

For this crucial stage, physical and mental changes are happening in a young person. The games integrated in here have more complex rules. They have to utilize their thinking more. This keeps them on track and their brain on alert. They also need to learn about teamwork at this stage. Board games for this age bracket help youngsters interact with others and develop the need to win in games. Monopoly is still applicable at this stage, but games like Clue (a detective game), the Game of Life, and even chess can now be incorporated.

Eight and Beyond

By the time they are eight, they can begin enjoying most board games adults play. They need to utilize math skills, logic, and more complex strategizing for games at this level. Card games are great as well, though teaching them gambling isn't a good thing to integrate to their education. Scrabble is a better way to incorporate vocabulary and math skills for this age. Chess, too, is even more applicable for them. Basically, any adult educational board games can apply.

However, people still need to remember that at this stage, children are still easily influenced. Bad education is even worse than ignorance, so be careful what trait is being imbued on a young, susceptible person's mind.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Educational Board Games - Play Your Kids Smarter

Educational board games are a worthwhile investment, both in time and money. Children today are technological wizards and it can be difficult to pull them away from their electronic gadgets. However, it is important to develop family connections and learn life skills, which can not be done when a child sits alone with a remote control. In this article we give you five reasons to add educational board games to your family time.

Shape your Story

1. Educational Board Games Get Your Children Away From The Computer And Television

How many times have you found yourself saying to your kids, "It's time to get off the computer," or "No more TV for today." Wouldn't you like to give them a fun and educational alternative? Board games are a fantastic way to engage their minds and get them out of that electronic coma. Human beings are communal and need social interaction. Educational board games can bring families together and teach your children many important skills. We know that letting our children spend hours watching TV or playing computer games is the easy solution. It may take more time and effort to play a game with your kids but the rewards are priceless. We have had many occasions where our children have said, "I don't want to go to bed. Can we play one more time?" These were the same children who said, "I don't want to play a game tonight. Can't we just play the Wii?"

2.  Develop Family Connections

Educational board games give your family a time to be together. The unexpected surprises in game play bring about much laughter and bonding. Although these experiences may easily be forgotten by parents, they leave lasting impressions in our children. Many times our children have said, "Remember when such and such happened? Wasn't that funny?!"
A Day in the jungal

3. Educational Board Games Are A Fun Way To Learn Life Skills

Lessons learned when playing board games can transfer to important life skills. It is easier to teach a child how to share pieces on a board game than the trucks in a sandbox. Kids also learn patience as they need to wait for their turn. In addition, games usually have one winner. Winning the game builds self esteem. Losing the game gives children the opportunity to learn and adapt for the next
ame play. It is important to teach them that even though they may have lost this time, there will be a next time and they can apply what they have learned. This will give them a better chance to win. As children get older, they begin to learn how to focus and strategize. For example, when playing Chess you need to make every move count. This is an equally important lesson in life. Educational Games for kids

4. Your Kids Are Learning Without Even Knowing

When you are so immersed in the enjoyment of playing, you don't realize all of the skills that you are learning. This is what is so great about educational board games. You learn the rules, learn the game play, you start playing the game, and then you adapt. All along your mind is active and you are thinking and learning as you try to out do your opponent. You get so caught up in the fun, you pick up the skills with ease. Learning Brain Games

5.  Educational Board Games Are Fun For Kids And Parents

Ultimately, why do we play games? To have fun. Educational board games are fun to play with others. Your children learn by watching you. Don't get too competitive. Instead, work with cooperation and enthusiasm. Make it fun. Your children will have more fun and will learn the joy of playing games as a family.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Enhance Your Kid's Learning Experience with Fun Educational Games

Let me start with a quote I used to come across in my everyday life, "Kids are always Kids, and should remain kids". Very true, would you like to see a kid who is very serious about his life or would be rather happier looking at a kid who is joyfully playing with his toys and his video games. Research has proved that kids are at their perceiving best when they enjoy what they do.

Well, we have come across many parents who yell at their kids for not studying and just lazing around their time playing video games. But I would like to thank the developers who thought of an idea which helped in integrating video games to educate a kid. These are called educational games, and are designed specifically to teach a kid the in-depth concept of a certain subject. This is probably a revolution in the education sector in educating small kids. Moreover I feel, now even the parents are bothered to look for educational games for their dear little ones.

Educational kids games

Educational games are known for stimulating the overall growth of a kid. It generally promotes the physical, social and emotional growth among the kids. Some of the benefits of educational games:
  •  It provides a medium that promotes an immediate and challenging visual feedback within a fun safe virtual environment.
  • Research has proved that kids exposed to educational software games developed many skills like Logical Reasoning skills and decision making. 
  • Educational games also help the kids to interact with the other kids of their age to solve a particular puzzle or a problem.

There are different classes of educational games that help the kids to fine tune their skills. Let us have a sneak peek at what the parents go for to take off their kid's trouble facing in Maths? Well it is an edutainment software called the Manga High. This is a math game for higher elementary and lower middle school students, created by the top brains at Oxford University. Popular Educational Games

learning puzzles games

If you are ever wondering it is very difficult for you to shop educational software game to your dear little ones, there exists a solution for everything. Thanks to the internet. Yes, the internet also offers a variety of online games to play with for the kids of all age groups. All these online educational games are designed in such a way that they'll be enhancing the learning process continuously while the games are being played. Learning Toys Games

But it is the first and foremost responsibility of the parents or elders to try and find the right website for the kids. The site should be first analyzed on how helpful it can be in enhancing the learning process of a kid and also needs to justify the ways it can make the kids enjoy a particular game. At present, there are a huge number of web portals offering educational games. And 'm very sure that these educational game performance will have a place in your kid's report card in the near future. Watch out!!!